This is the second of a two part update. So much has occurred during the last nine months that I thought our “Missionary at Large Update: 2019 Year in Review” would be best served with two separate posts. This first post focused on the mission work done in, at and through East Bethlehem Lutheran Church […]
Missionary at Large Update: 2019 in Review (Part 1)
This is the first of a two part update. So much has occurred during the last nine months that I thought the “2019 Year in Review” would be best served with two separate posts. This first post will focus on the mission work done in, at and through East Bethlehem Lutheran Church. The second post […]
Missionary at Large Update: November, 2019
Fifteen Children Baptized at East Bethlehem As the Triune God willed, appointed and worked, fifteen (15) children were baptized at the 10 am service at East Bethlehem Lutheran Church on Sunday, October 27th. Many prayers, hours of service and countless volunteers from all over the Tri-County area were spiritually invested in this magnificent and sacred sowing of […]
Missionary at Large Update: August, 2019
It has been four months since my installation at East Bethlehem and my deployment as a “Missionary at Large” to the Metro Detroit Area. The days have been filled with many challenges and matching blessings. Praise be to the Triune God that He is faithful and true. All of His promises remain the same. Not […]
What is “ekklesia”?
“Ekklesia” is a greek word that refers to the Church as a “gathering”, an “assembly”, or, as the Apostles Creed states, “a communion of saints”. In the New Testament it describes those who have been … called out (1 Peter 2:9-12) gathered (Acts 2:42-47) and going in the name of Jesus. (Matthew 28:18-20) In the early church, these “ekklesias” met […]
The Receptive Life – Introduction and Video
We are beggars; this is true! Martin Luther Martin Luther described the life of the Christian as “vita passiva” (Latin for “the receptive life”). When it comes to the forgiveness of sins, a clear conscience and reconciliation with God, we offer nothing. No works. No merits. Rather, through the gift of faith, we cling solely to the […]
eXPlain it
What Does a Missionary Do? That’s a good question. Best answer (and example that I currently have) is what Philip does when the Holy Spirit directs him to go and listen, and then speak, to an Ethiopian sitting in his chariot. In Acts 8 the Holy Spirit instructs Philip to go up to a chariot […]
The Lord is Risen!
Grace and peace to you in Jesus. In His passion our Lord Jesus revealed to us that He is our Brother in the flesh, like us in every way except the sin. Today, in His resurrection, He has shown Himself to be Lord, Savior and King over sin, death and the power of the Devil. […]
Forty Day Journey to the Cross: Sabbath of Resurrection
“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!” (Luke 24:5) He’s alive! Yet, all too many times, we insist on looking for the Resurrected Christ among the dead. We go to the tomb. We look at the burial cloth. We weep in the darkness. On this Sabbath […]
Forty Day Journey to the Cross: Day 40
The Resurrected Christ Scripture Reading: John 19:38–20:18 Meditation When Jesus dies, secret love goes public. Joseph of Arimethea, a wealthy yet discreet disciple, provided the tomb. Nicodemus, one of the Sanhedrin members who had earlier visited Jesus by night, brought the spices. Fear of the Jews had kept these two high profile men from revealing […]
Forty Day Journey to the Cross: Day 39
The Dying Christ Scripture Reading: Matthew 27:45-56 Meditation It’s the sixth hour and the heavenly Father has just dropped his One and Only Son on the Devil’s doorstep. He has given him up, abandoned him, and forsaken him. The Son of God has become an orphan. And when the bell rings at the ninth hour, […]
Forty Day Journey to the Cross: Day 38
The Crucified Christ Scripture Reading: Matthew 27:27-44 Meditation Rome reserved the cross for only the worst of criminals. It was a slow, painful, and degrading way to die. When Jesus reached Golgotha, the Place of the Skull, the Governor’s soldiers stripped him of his clothes. They threw him to the ground, spread his arms, and […]
Forty Day Journey to the Cross: Day 37
The Sentenced Christ Scripture Reading: John 18:28–19:16 Meditation The Sanhedrin is the highest Jewish court in Jerusalem. It’s composed of the three groups of people that Jesus had said would deliver him unto death: the elders, chief priests, and teachers of the law. “From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he […]
Forty Day Journey to the Cross: Day 36
The Betrayed Christ Scripture Reading: John 18:1-27 Meditation For Jesus, the Garden of Gethsemane is a familiar place. He and his disciples have gathered there many times. It’s quiet, still, and intimate. It’s also his favorite place: a place of peace and prayer, love and laughter, comfort and companionship. The Garden is one of those […]
Forty Day Journey to the Cross: Day 35
The Pleading Christ Scripture Reading: Mark 14:12-42 Meditation It’s a night of sacrifice. The City of David is filled with the cry of lambs led to the slaughter. Jesus also cries but all he hears is silence from the Father. As the Feast of Unleavened Bread begins, the Passover lambs are chosen, led out, and […]