The Incarnate Christ Scripture Reading: John 1:1-18 Meditation Every story starts somewhere. Either it opens with a fanciful, “Once upon a time …” Or it launches out with an adventurous, “A long time ago …” Or it looks back, reminisces, and recollects past events with a nostalgic, “I remember when …”. But what do you […]
Forty Day Journey to the Cross: Sabbath of Response
“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’” (Isaiah 6:8) Grace is God taking the initiative. He acts. He moves. He invites. He works. He changes lives. He seeks and he saves. Following right behind grace is […]
Forty Day Journey to the Cross: Day 22
The Attentive Christ Scripture Reading: Luke 18:35–19:10 Meditation As Jesus approaches Jericho, a blind beggar named Bartimaeus sits by the roadside. He’s at his usual spot, at his usual time. He’s always known the darkness and he’s adapted. His routine and the regular comings and goings of his town have given him a sixth sense. He […]
Forty Day Journey to the Cross: Day 21
The Tender Christ Scripture Reading: Luke 18:1-17 Meditation A widow. A tax collector. Crying babies. They’re different and yet they’re the same. Though they’re from different social classes, at different stages and ages of life, with different circumstances and needs—they’re all the same. They’re vulnerable. She’s defenseless. He’s broken. And the babies are helpless. But […]
Forty Day Journey to the Cross: Day 20
The Rejoicing Christ Scripture Reading: Luke 15:1-32 Meditation The Pharisees and experts in the law are so close to the kingdom of God and yet they’re so far away. They have the prophets. They have the Messianic promises. And now, in Jesus, they have the fulfillment of both, right in front of them. He is […]
Forty Day Journey to the Cross: Day 19
The Inviting Christ Scripture Reading: Luke 14:1-24 Meditation Jesus knew the Sabbath invitation wasn’t sincere, but he went anyway. As he entered the Pharisee’s house, there in front of him—like live bait squirming in a concealed trap—was a man suffering from dropsy. The Pharisee had purposefully placed the man there. It was a predetermined, carefully […]
Forty Day Journey to the Cross: Day 18
The Longing Christ Scripture Reading: Luke 13:22-35 Meditation The city of Jerusalem is the summit of Jesus’ ministry. It’s the culmination of his redemptive climb. It’s his destination. His goal. On the peak of that city, he will stake a cross in the ground, climb it, extend his hands in triumph, declare his victory, and—while […]
Forty Day Journey to the Cross: Day 17
The Comforting Christ Scripture Reading: Luke 12:1-34 Meditation Thousands of people surrounded Jesus. But there was only room for a few up front. Near. Close to him. Directly before him, seated at his feet, are the Twelve. But in-between the feet of Jesus and the back of the crowd are the ones who got caught […]
Forty Day Journey to the Cross: Sabbath of Repentance
“The Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belonged to their sect complained to his disciples, ‘Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and ‘sinners’?’ Jesus answered them, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.’” (Luke […]
Forty Day Journey to the Cross: Day 16
The Forgiving Christ Scripture Reading: Luke 7:29-50 Meditation The Pharisees had just accused Jesus of being a glutton and a drunkard. Yet one of them, Simon, invites him to his house for dinner. Jesus accepts. He goes to the Pharisee’s house and reclines at his table. “Now one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have […]
Forty Day Journey to the Cross: Day 15
The Willing Christ Scripture Reading: Luke 5:12-26 Meditation Two men, a leper and a paralytic, desperately desire to get close to Jesus. The first shouldn’t, the second can’t. One is unclean and the other is unable. Whether unclean or unable, both are unwilling to stop until they are at the feet of Jesus. Both decide […]
Forty Day Journey to the Cross: Day 14
The Rejected Christ Scripture Reading: Luke 4:14-30 Meditation There’s nothing better than coming home. Unless, of course, those who are at home don’t welcome you back! After his temptation in the wilderness, Jesus had left his hometown of Nazareth and had gone to live in Capernaum on the north end of the Sea of Galilee. […]
Forty Day Journey to the Cross: Day 13
The Prophetic Christ Scripture Reading: Mark 13:1-37 Meditation As the disciples left the temple mount, they looked up, stood in awe, and exclaimed how magnificent the house of God was. But the Prophetic Christ looked past the temple’s past: past the building that Solomon had first built; past its destruction by the Babylonians; past the […]
Forty Day Journey to the Cross: Day 12
The Determined Christ Scripture Reading: Mark 8:27–9:1 Meditation Peter got it half right. He understood who Jesus was but he didn’t understand what Jesus came to do. He nailed it when it came to the person of Jesus. But failed to embrace his work. When Jesus asked, “Who do people say that I am?” … […]
Forty Day Journey to the Cross: Day 11
The Compassionate Christ Scripture Reading: Mark 6:30-44 Meditation The apostles have just returned from an extended preaching tour. Jesus had sent them out two by two. He had given them authority over evil spirits, instructed them to preach, cast out demons, and heal the sick. Mission accomplished. As they return, they’re exhilarated but they’re also […]