Here’s a vlogcast of the Scripture study for Sunday, Trinity 11. The teaching is based on the Scripture lessons from Trinity 11. The Gospel reading is Luke 18:9-14. Some quotes in the recording are taken from the Book of Concord (Triglotta – public domain). Please note that different versions of the Book of Concord have […]
“eXPlain it – Trinity 10 (Luke 19:41-48)
Here’s a vlogcast of the Scripture study for Sunday, Trinity 10.
Missionary at Large Update – Summer 2020
The events of the first half of 2020 brought with them a new vocabulary. Some of the words and phrases we’ve never heard before, some are here to stay, and others we hope to never hear again. Here’s a running list: “wild fires in Australia, missiles in the Middle East, the death of Kobe Bryant, […]
Safari Through the Scriptures (Now Open for the Summer)
Safari Through the Scriptures: Searching for Jesus in the Old and New Testament VIRTUAL FAMILY BIBLE CAMP Now Open for the Summer
40 Day Journey with Jesus (Lent 2020) – Full List of Devotions
Here’s a current list of posts from the 40 Day Journey with Jesus. I thought it might be helpful to have them all indexed in one place. Though the words are not perfect or profound, I pray that the Holy Spirit (the Real Teacher) will use these meditations to help you … focus and fix […]
Forty Day Journey with Jesus: Sabbath of Eternal Dwelling
“I’m back home in the house of GOD for the rest of my life.” Psalm 23:6b Turning the bend and heading toward home is the joy that can only come with the journey’s end. Home for the sheep is wherever the Shepherd might be. If the Shepherd isn’t present, then the home just becomes a […]
Forty Day Journey with Jesus: Day 40
He Knows My Co-Mission Scripture Reading: Matthew 28:16-20 Meditation What Jesus starts, he always intends to finish. His three-year public ministry began with his baptism. After forty days of resisting the worldly lures of the Tempter in the wilderness, he began to proclaim good news in the region of Galilee—that, in him, the kingdom of […]
Forty Day Journey with Jesus: Day 39
He Knows My Need for Restoration Scripture Reading: John 21:1-25 Meditation Simon Peter, more than any of the other disciples, is praying for a second chance. Peter’s the one the Master called ‘Rock’ and yet he was the one who crumbled so easily in the High Priest’s courtyard. When a servant girl asked him about […]
Forty Day Journey with Jesus: Day 38
He Knows My Doubt Scripture Reading: John 20:19-31 Meditation The Evil One is the father of two fraternal twins: terror and doubt. During the Savior’s Passion, Satan’s demons dropped these two hellions on the doorstep of the disciples. When the disciples answered the door, the two unruly children pushed their way into the house of […]
Forty Day Journey with Jesus: Day 37
He Knows My Slowness to Believe Scripture Reading: Luke 24:13-35 Meditation Emmaus is a small village only a brisk afternoon’s walk outside of Jerusalem. For two traveling together, the seven miles can be easily bridged by a steady gait spurred on by plenty of spirited conversation. But for a pair of Jesus’ disciples burdened by […]
Forty Day Journey with Jesus: Day 36
He Knows My Grief Scripture Reading: Luke 23:44—24:12 Meditation The events of the past few days have struck a violent blow to the heart of the women who have followed Jesus from Galilee. Just last week, all of Jerusalem’s people had hailed their Master as a king but today they nailed him to a tree […]
Forty Day Journey with Jesus: Day 35
He Knows My Eleventh Hour Request Scripture Reading: Luke 23:32-43 Meditation In death, as in life, Jesus keeps company with sinners. Since his ministry began, the religious leaders have accused Jesus of hanging around the riffraff. When he talked about the value of lost things, the religious leaders were right there, watching with a legalistic […]
Forty Day Journey with Jesus: Sabbath of Love
“Your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life.” Psalm 23:6a As the Good Shepherd leads the flock toward home, Beauty and Love, like two tireless sheepdogs, bring up the rear. Every day they work the fields and watch over the flock. No need to fear what is behind, or what is […]
Forty Day Journey with Jesus: Day 34
He Knows My Insults Scripture Reading: Mark 15:16-32 Meditation Throughout the Passion of the Christ, insult upon insult is added to injury. During it all, Jesus stands silent. He’s like a lamb about to be taken to the slaughter. There is no response to the accusations. No words spoken in self-defense. Only silence. It’s the […]
Forty Day Journey with Jesus: Day 33
He Knows My Neutrality Scripture Reading: Matthew 27:11-26 Meditation Pontius Pilate is a good politician. As prefect of the Judean province, he knows whom to please and how best to please them. In his tenure, he has learned that the best political decisions aren’t always the morally right ones but the ones most expedient. Pilate […]