Missionary at Large Update – Fall 2024

Much joy and a sacred peace to us in Jesus.

The Michigan change of seasons reminds us that though the grass withers and the flowers fade, the Word of the Lord and all of His promises remain the same. (Isaiah 40:8) His mercies are new and abundant every morning. (Lamentations 3:22-23) Amen and amen!

Global Opportunities for the Gospel with Lutherans In Africa

It seems as if the Lord has opened global doors for me to teach the Gospel through Lutherans In Africa. This Fall, and again in early 2025, I’ll help form African Lutherans to be teachers of the faith at the Lutheran School of Theology with Rev. James May (the Executive Director of LIA) and Dr. Gregory Schulz (the Academic Dean of the LST).

This is a sacred surprise, and a bit humorous, especially since I don’t enjoy traveling, nor do I like to fly, or be in situations that are beyond my control. Africa is neither near nor predictable and so we commend all needs into the Lord’s hands.

We will trust that the Lord knows more. He cares more. And He is doing immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine in Jesus. (Ephesians 3:20-21)

As the Lord wills, I’ll return to Kenya this October to teach three intensive classes at the Lutheran School of Theology (LST): 

  • Personal Devotional Life
  • Lutheran Confessions III (the Formula of Concord)
  • Old Testament Wisdom Books (with specific emphasis on the Psalms)

The school is close to receiving its accreditation from the Kenyan Department of Education and we pray that the process will continue without incident. The students and the school are already a blessing to the African continent. The current students in the certificate and diploma programs of the LST are from Congo, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, and Burundi.

Here is a brief note from Emile Nkurunziza, the Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Burundi, concerning the work of Pacifique and Venuste, two students from the LST.

Greetings from Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church in Burundi in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. When Pacifique was on school break, we sent him out to teach about Baptism. He went with another evangelist who taught on Christian marriage. They spent a month and a half teaching.

The results were that 92 people (children and adults) were baptized and ten couples were married in the church . Venuste was sent to the Northern part of Burundi, there the work is continuing. Thank you for the sound theology that the LST is providing for God’s future servants.

I’ll return to the United States late November and continue to serve Peace Lutheran Church in Detroit during the Advent and Christmas season. Serving this little flock over the past two years has been a blessing for both of us. They may be few, but they are ever faithful in attending the Divine Service to receive the Lord’s gifts.

Then, in early 2025, I’ll return to Kenya to help with the Winter semester and a pastors’ retreat for African bishops at the base of Mt. Kenya, “Kilimanjaro’s little sister”.

Spiritual Travelogue and Field Guide

These are troublesome, dark, and disordered times. As of late I have found refuge in Psalm 62 and St. Augustine’s timeless quote from his Confessions,

Lord God, you have made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in You.

All of this has me thinking that, as I travel between continents, I should find a way to keep a spiritual travelogue of what the Lord is doing and combine it with a field guide that would help our “restless hearts” find their sacred rest in the Triune God.  

There’s an African Proverb that says,

When an old man dies, a library burns to the ground.

I don’t know if I have a library in me, but I might have a book or two. Lord willing, during the first part of my sixties, I’ll write those books. Once I figure out the specifics of the writing process, I’ll invite you to follow along through posts on my website.

To view all updates, prayer needs, future “video logs”, and pictures of the trips to the Lutheran School of Theology, you can go to …

I thank God for His provision supplied by you. Your generous support, prayers, and many kindnesses have blessed us and the work of the Gospel. Come what may, we do belong to Jesus. We commend all into His hands. 

If you would like to stay informed about our work with LIA in Africa, you can sign up for email updates in the button below.

I also wanted to provide you with a way to sign up for the Lutherans in Africa email updates as well.

Thank you again for your generous support, encouragement, prayers and many kindnesses. We’ll commend all into His hands. Come what may, we do belong to Jesus!

If you would like to continue to support the Missionary at Large position through East Bethlehem you can either give a charitable donation by check or through electronic giving. Here’s a link that will give you more information … Support Missionary at Large (here).