Missionary at Large Update – Lutherans in Africa Highlights and Plans for Fall/Winter

After eight weeks with Rev. James May at the Lutheran School of Theology in Kenya, we are back in the United States. We thank you for all your prayers, support, and encouragement.

We had our share of challenges (travel delays and detours, health issues, aches and pains, bugs, bites, flooding, technical complications) …  such is life and mission work in Africa.

But every need was met with abundant and sacred gifts from the Triune God (Ephesians 3:20-21).  

We do praise Him from whom all blessings flow!

A Few Highlights of Our Time with Lutherans In Africa

In addition to teaching the “Pastor’s Devotional Life” course to the students at the Lutheran School of Theology, I also had the opportunity to use my newly acquired digital and media skills to help Rev. James May document and tell the story of Lutherans In Africa.

By the Lord’s help, we were able to do the following …

  • Design and launch a website for the Lutheran School of Theology. This will create increased awareness and help with the recruitment of new students.
  • Redesign and update the current website for Lutherans In Africa. This will help individuals learn how they can pray, volunteer, and support the formation of African Lutherans to be teachers of the faith.
  • Create a media library with “video logs” (about 20) with Rev. James May and Dr. Gregory Schulz that will help tell the story of the school.

To visit the new Lutherans In Africa website, you can click on the picture and button below.

Lutherans in Africa Video Series

If you would like to know more about the mission of Lutherans In Africa and its Lutheran School of Theology, the video series is a great place to start.

The LIA media library contains “video logs” with Rev. James May (the executive director of LIA) and Dr. Gregory Schulz.

Service with Lutherans in Africa in 2024 and 2025

Rev. James May, the executive director for Lutherans in Africa, has asked me to return to help teach and serve at the Lutheran School of Theology. The school is in the final stages of receiving accreditation from the Kenya Department of Education and it needs pastor/professors to provide classes for their Fall 2024 and Winter 2025 semesters.

After presenting LIA’s request to Pastor Asaph James and the Board of Directors of East Bethlehem, the church leadership has given me their blessing to return to the Lutheran School of Theology for …

  • 4-6 weeks this coming Fall (October/November 2024)
  • and for another period of service in the Winter of 2025 (specific dates yet to be determined)

While in the United States, I will continue to serve as the vacancy pastor of Peace Lutheran Church in Detroit.

As time allows, I’ll also continue to teach and create media resources that will help “eXPlain” and boldly proclaim what we as Lutheran Christians believe, teach, and confess about the person and work of Jesus.

One last note … if you are in the Metro Detroit area, Faye and I would like to invite you to hear about our recent trip and the work that the Lord Jesus is doing through Lutherans In Africa.

Here are the specifics …

Africa Update and Presentation

Sunday, June 2nd
East Bethlehem Lutheran Church
3510 E. Outer Dr.
Detroit, MI 48234

Worship at 10 am with Lunch Immediately After the Service
Kindly RSVP here

If you would like to stay informed about our work with LIA in Africa, you can sign up for email updates in the button below.

I also wanted to provide you with a way to sign up for the Lutherans in Africa email updates as well.

Thank you again for your generous support, encouragement, prayers and many kindnesses. We’ll commend all into His hands. Come what may, we do belong to Jesus!

If you would like to continue to support the Missionary at Large position through East Bethlehem you can either give a charitable donation by check or through electronic giving. Here’s a link that will give you more information … Support Missionary at Large (here).