We are currently in Africa and received news that my father fell asleep in the Lord Jesus this day and he now rests with great peace in Christ. We, along with him, await the promised resurrection of all flesh.
Funeral arrangements are in process and we are working to arrange return flights back to the USA.
No Other Gods
This is one of my favorite pictures of my father and perhaps the most formative for my life and ministry.
We were missionaries in Papua New Guinea in the late 1960’s and early 70’s. After proclaiming the Gospel and Baptizing those in our village, the elders brought their idol to my father. They said that now that they knew of Jesus, they did not want or need any other god because He was the only and true God!
The idol was a “little man” fashioned by human hands. It had eyes but couldn’t see, ears but couldn’t hear, a mouth but couldn’t speak, hands but couldn’t feel, feet but couldn’t walk (just like Psalm 115). When the elders thought that the gods might be angry, they would sacrifice a pig and pour the grease into his mouth to appease the spirit world. But to no avail. The “gods” remained angry.
To Whom Shall We Go?
In stark contrast to the black idol is the sliver cross hanging from my father’s neck – the sign that the Son of God took on human flesh, bore our sin, paid the wage of death, conquered the grave, now rules and reigns over all, and one day will reappear to judge the living and the dead and make all things new.
This Son of God and Son of Man has eyes that see, ears that hear, a mouth that speaks, hands that took the nails, and feet that walked out the grave.
Our resurrected Brother in the flesh, and our Good Shepherd, now walks with our family through the valley of the shadow of death. As we wait for that great Day of the Lord we grieve, but not as those who have no hope. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-ff) It is a sure and certain promise that one day, perhaps yet this day, the Lord Jesus will reappear and bring with Himself all of those who have fallen asleep in Him. We encourage each other with the promises that come from the resurrected Lord.
He speaks the Truth and does not lie.
As we take note of the number of our days, in repentance we return to the first commandment and remind ourselves that we shall have no other gods. We should fear, love and trust in Him above all things.
And in faith we confess, “To whom else shall we go? Only you, Lord Jesus, have the words of eternal life.”
We also trust that the Triune God holds nothing back and gives Himself entirely to us, especially as seen in the person and work of Jesus.
- The Father gives all of His creation.
- The Son all of His work.
- And the Spirit all of His gifts.
We Praise the Triune God from Whom All Blessings Flow
Our family praises the Triune God from whom all blessings flow, especially for the life, the love, and the faithful Christian witness of a husband, father, grandfather, brother, friend, missionary, and servant of the Gospel.
My father’s “favorite” verse is …
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21)
A sacred joy and surpassing peace to us in Jesus.