Thank you for your interest in The Receptive Life book.
You can find the latest PDF version and draft of book below …
The theme of the book is taken from Psalm 62 and St. Augustine’s quote about the soul’s sacred rest …
My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken. (Psalm 62:1-2)
Lord God, you have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless (“unquiet”) until they find their rest in you. (St. Augustine, Confessions, Book 1)
The working premise of the book is …
The soul’s sacred rest is not a spiritual state you achieve—it is a gift you receive. The Triune God is the only One who can give it, and we can only receive it through faith.
I’ll post working drafts as we go.
Would you like to help?
As I begin to write the book, I’d like to ask for your help. I’m looking for a group of like-minded people who would be willing to …
- tell their stories about restless (“unquiet”) hearts
- share their frustrations of how they were falsely taught and wrongly told to deal with it by friends or the Church
- suggest what they might need, what they are looking for, or what would be of service to them in finding the soul’s sacred rest in Jesus
- read through rough drafts, portions, and chapters of the book
- offer up comments to make the material more accessible and useful
If that’s you, you can sign up here.
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If you would like to financially support my Missionary at Large position through East Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Detroit, you can either give a charitable donation by check or through electronic giving. Here’s a link that will give you more information … Support Missionary at Large (here).