Week of Advent 2

He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.”
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.

Revelation 22:20-21 (NIV)

A blessed Advent to you and your family. Along with the universal Church – the communion of saints gathered from all times, in all places and among all peoples – we join together and pray:

“Come, Lord Jesus! Come quickly!

In order to prepare for the “comings” of Jesus and to continually receive His gifts, I’ve provided you with some resources so that you might be able to daily read, hear and study God’s Word and meditate upon the person and work of Jesus, our Brother, Savior and King.

Weekly Vlogcast and Daily Readings 

Each week I’ll post the following:

  • vlogcast, notes and thoughts centered on the Scripture readings appointed for each Sunday of the Church year
  • a daily reading schedule for sections of the Old Testament and New Testament with video overviews of each book
  • daily guidance, resources and step by step directions to help you implement the 12 “stations” of the Psalm 119 Prayer Cycle over the course of the week

(in January of 2021 I’ll host a 12 week course on “The Receptive Life”
in the “eXPlain it” portal)

Links to the Vlogcasts and Readings

Two Platform Options

Listed below are two options for you to access the Sunday vlogcasts and the the daily readings. If you have a moment, let me know which one you like the best.

  • materials hosted in a “vlog” post (click here)
  • materials hosted on the “eXPlain it” portal in the “ekklesia” course (click here)

Peace to us and joy in Jesus. We belong to Him!
